I’ve compiled here a list of various books I’ve read over the years that have been very impactful to me and ones that I often share when others ask me for recommendations. I enjoy reading, especially business books, and the ones below were impactful to me at some point in my journey and many still […]

Anytime I’m training new sales or marketing staff I always make a point to spend some amount of time talking about the five senses. Yep – the good ol’ five senses: touch, taste, hear, see, smell. When describing something over the phone to someone or when writing long copy or when sharing an experience with […]

Attention spans are getting shorter and expectations are going up in sports and entertainment. Even for the most raving fan out there, it’s hard not to be distracted by your phone, a conversation with a friend, your kids running around or anything else that might also be nagging in the back of your mind. What […]

I was driving around town and saw something really cool that I had to share. One of the local electrical companies in town where I live drives a fleet of all electric vans! This one doesn’t have the logo on the side, but it is the same model work van that they use in their […]

It is Father’s Day today. As a relatively new dad, I appreciate this kind of holiday a little bit more than i used to. It’s fun to be recognized and think about wht it means to be a dad today. I looked up in Wikipedia “father’s day” and it turns out people have been celebrating […]

Its summertime, the weather is changing, the sun is warm and the air is cool. Lots of folks are out on their bicycles and motorcyles enjoying the freedom of being out on two wheels. I also enjoy the freedom and fresh air of being outside, riding back roads, trails and just feeling the wind in […]

All sales and marketing should revolve around and point to the customers’ problems. It should provide a solution to their problems and never talk about the company’s problems. In sports and entertainment, this is true no matter the customer type – ticket buyer, sponsor, donor, avid fan, casual fan, fence-sitter – you name it. Everyone […]

I have always kind of felt that you can never reallly know another person. Regardless of how open they are and how much they might share, there will always be things about others that we’ll never know. But it is true that we can’t really know much about anyone else unless they share. So it’s […]

When you’re creating or trying something new, than one is greater than zero. If something didn’t exist before and now it does, than that outcome is worth celebrating. When testing out a new idea or strategy, if you get results then one is greater than zero. Even if the result was not what you wanted […]

In entertainment there is a certain mystique about season tickets and season ticket holders. For folks that are fans of a particular organization there’s a certain draw to wanting to be more engaged – season tickets are the most tangible/visible way to show the organization and other fans that you’re committed. From the organization standpoint, […]